Clubmark Accreditation
The club is delighted to announce it has achieved its fourth re-accreditation to Clubmark in 2022.
What is Clubmark?
Sport England's Clubmark is a cross sport accreditation for sports clubs with junior sections in recognition of a quality club.
Why Clubmark?
Nearly half of all children and young people are members of sports clubs outside school and it is very important that these clubs serve young people well. Until recently there were few guidelines and little support available to most clubs to develop and assess themselves. Clubmark sets core and common criteria for sports clubs to meet in the following categories:
- Child Protection
- Coaching & Competition
- Sports Equity & Ethics
- Club Management
Benefits to Clubs
We will receive support from sports development professionals and improve the quality of coaches in the club so that our club can be even more successful and competitive. We will be better organised and resourced as a club and able to further develop.
In short we have proved that Hornchurch Athletic is recognised as a safe, effective child friendly club with a vibrant and healthy infrastructure.

Interested in joining HACC?
Adult Cricket -
Contact: Tommy Heneghan
07540 111990
Youth Cricket
Contact: Stuart Whitaker
07732 294417
All Stars & Dynamos
Contact: Kai Hatton
07952 928083
Girls Cricket & Women's Softball
Contact: Chris Martin
07760 122861
If you are interesting in joining or would like more information please contact us
Safeguarding Policy Statement
Youth Cricket Safeguarding Policies
Diversity & Inclusion Policy
Changing Rooms & Showering
Transport To/From Matches
Use of Cameras & Videos
Coaches/Managers Code of Conduct
Club Members & Guests
Junior Members